Meet The Foster Team!
We honestly have THE BEST foster team around! We are not exaggerating when we say this team practices their exceptional lifesaving skills with PRIDE. Our team is kept small because we communicate effectively and put every animal front and center to get the best care we, as a team, can provide. Our foster parents know they are not alone. Our standards are high and we have strict policies and protocols, but we also provide you with everything you need to save animal lives PLUS the support to go with it.
Our team specializes in neonate kittens (up to 8 weeks old) and domesticated rats. If you're interested in fostering animals yet aren't looking for this specifically, please reach out to your nearest animal shelter or human society and offer to be a foster parent. Our team primarily takes foster parents who can have animals with them a minimum of 6 hours during the day and can feed at least 4 times per day. We are not a Rescue Organization, so our focus is the smallest and neediest to be in our Rescue and Rehabilitation program. Once they are over 8 weeks old (2lbs), they are big enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted into forever homes....meaning they don't need our team anymore. This is a GREAT thing! ​