A HOPE Animal Welfare & Advocacy in Milton, FL
What does "A HOPE" stand for?
Animal • Health • Outreach • Prevention • Education

H is for Health
Need assistance finding an affordable spay or neuter option?
We can help! We are working to build our very own high-volume spay/neuter clinic at 6951 Pine Blossom in Milton, Florida.
In the interim, we have an arrangement set up with Operation Spay Bay in Panama City.
Have questions? Contact us.

O is for Outreach
We have many ways to listen to the needs of our community. Our Help Desk fields calls, emails, and texts to guide our community in order to help the animals.
Each month we also show love to senior citizens, and their pets, by hosting the Bowl Fillers program with the West Florida Center for Council on Aging.
If you would like to get involved by sponsoring a month to feed the animals or answer phone calls and emails from community members in need of guidance, please email our Outreach Coordinator at ahopeoutreach@gmail.com.
P is for Prevention
We strongly believe in the prevention of unwanted births. We live in an extremely overpopulated area where animals are disposable and die every day, just because others were born. Please get your animals fixed and vaccinated so the management and health of your animal won't cause others to live shorter lives.

E is for Education
One of the most basic yet helpful things a community can provide is education. Not only is it a key factor in the personal growth of children, but it's imperative for pet owners and families, as well.
We work with youth groups to provide humane education so we're not only focusing on saving lives today but setting an example to save more tomorrow.

Adoption stories, recent news and updates, and much more!