What is a "Crunchy Muffin"?
A Crunchy Muffin is an adorable and adoptable animal who currently has a common and treatable skin rash, known as “ringworm”.​
Thank you so much for considering our friendliest and most 'crunchiest' of felines!
These adorable and loving felines have discounted adoption fees ONLY while they are glowing a little green. This means you can give a perfectly crispy Crunchy Muffin a forever home so we can save another.
Crunchy Muffins come with all the normal things our adoptables come with (spay/neuter, vaccinated up to date, leukemia tested, and microchipped) PLUS whatever medication and instructions they need to continue care until the "Crunchy" part of these muffins are gone!
While our fosters are the bee's knees, we can't imagine there's ZERO other people out there who are capable of caring for a Crunchy Muffin for an extra few weeks until they become just a muffin.....a lover muffin! Forever!
In our experience...Crunchy Muffins are the biggest lovers you have ever met. They're the ones out there rubbing up on everything and collecting the 'crunchies'. Ever wonder why they get it on their face so often?
Be a game changer and a Crunchy Muffin lover.....like we are!
All adopters of Crunchy Muffins get to freely use our awesome hashtags too….
#crunchymuffins #ringwormisdumb #fightthefungus